Hi Everyone,
As my readers, you know that I haven’t sent out a newsletter for almost a year. That is because I’ve been busy writing my novel, Gemini, which is now out to a publisher. Since that is now my focus, I decided it was time to let go of a lot of services in my alternative healings practice. Believe me, making that decision had been a struggle. But my 2k14 year is my Death year in Tarot. It’s the time to let go of things, and adding new focus. Yes, I’ll feel disjointed with something missing, but my writing will fill that void. It’s something I need to do for my personal growth.
I want to send you a courtesy email to let you know that the monthly newsletter has been permanently discontinued. But you assumed that I’m sure. Also, I stopped taking credit cards and will no longer be selling jewelry, unless it’s a large prearranged party. But mode of payment will be M.O. or checks.
I will be teaching courses and workshops, particularly Learning Tarot, but on a limited basis, and if I’m approached. None have been scheduled for 2k14 as of yet.
I’m in my second novel, a romantic suspense, while I just began brainstorming ideas for Gemini II. But it won’t have that title, of course.
If you’d like to keep in touch with me, and I’d love to correspond with you, please contact me on Facebook, through vitalnectars@aol.com, or my author page, Facebook.com/RonnieAnovelist.
My Twitter handle is RonnieAnovelist. And on LinkedIn, you can find me through vitalnectars@aol.com
If you’d like to get a glimpse into Gemini, please see my latest blog, and you’ll read about it through the eyes of the hero, Psychic and clairvoyant Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. John Trenton, at http://ronnieallennovel.com/gemini/blog-1. Feel free to leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you.
I wish you all a wonderful, healthy and prosperous holiday season and New Year. And I thank you for your readership. Many of you have been with me since the beginning of the newsletter, eight years ago.
Best, Ronnie