Dream Interpretation Workshop in Central Florida

Dream Interpretation   2 Workshop Options

3 Hour Workshop

  • 4 step approach in dream work
  • Principles for validating interpretations
  • Your body in dreams
  • 7 stages of recovery from physical trauma

Investment in your personal growth: $36.

Dates: TBA

One Day Intensive Workshop

Take my practical, one-day, dream workshop and learn:

* How to create and maintain a dream journal
* How to wake up to the unconscious
* About the ego
* The unconscious in inner life
* Individuation
* The use of dream dictionaries vs. intuition
* Archetypes and the unconscious
* Goddesses and Mythology
* The 4-step approach in dream work (associations, dynamics, interpretations, rituals)
* Principles for validating interpretations
* Your body in dreams
* The 7 stages of recovery from physical trauma (forewarning dreams, diagnostic dreams, crisis dreams, post crisis dreams, healing dreams)
* The sequence of dream change during recovery
* Dream activities in healing
* Incubation and lucid dreams

For the one day intensive research information will be distributed.

For either workshop you need to bring a spiral notebook and…..

Bring as many recorded dreams as you can in your notebook.

Write descriptively about setting, plot, dynamics, colors, sounds, in the dream. This will be your foundation palette.
Why is a dream interpretation course invaluable for your personal inner growth?

It is very easy to contact a dream analyst on the Internet, write down your dream, pay x amount, and get their interpretations.

But that’s exactly what it is, their interpretation. It is their associations to your dream images.

Look, I do it as well, when people request it, but I prefer to work with my clients in a private session, interpreting their dream images with them and eliciting from them the true, personal and therefore valid meanings. Associations from a dream come from your unconscious to help you grow and learn changing the dream symbols to metaphors of your own life. That is very personal and only you can decipher the true meaning of your dream. That’s why I do not use a standard dream dictionary.

As an empowerment counselor, I teach people how to take control of their lives. Learning how to interpret your own dream is part of that.

So if you are ready, please join me in a journey towards self-discovery and healing and learn how to access the power within your unconscious!!!

DATE: TBA  12.-6 p.m.

Investment in your personal growth: $75. (To maintain a low cost, I’m requesting participants bring their own lunch and snacks. No alcoholic beverages)


Minimum 4 people: I will keep your credit card info on file and not process it, until I have 4 people, but I will call you and let you know first.

SEND MO (no personal checks),

Please note I reserve the right to decline your participation after our conversation if I feel this is not appropriate for you. You MUST be over 21. The credit card must be in your name.