Updated May 1, 2011
Why not give as a gift, a registration to one of my workshops or a Tarot reading? It will be something different for someone who will appreciate it!
Register for them but ask them first! There will be no refunds unless the place can be filled nor on a readimg.
And if it’s for you, advanced registration ensures you have a place. Space is limited. 10 participants max per workshop.
If you’d like a workshop that is not listed here and it’s in one of my area of expertise, I’d be happy to offer it. So please feel free to ask!
Awakening Your Unconscious & Contacting & Communicating With Your Spirit Guides
3 Hour Workshop
Do you want to access the messages in your conscious that you’re not aware of yet? Do you want to learn the information you need to know for your personal growth? Do you want to access and communicate with your spirit guides so you can ask them for guidance and suport?
Through meditations, creative visualizations you will learn what you need to do to prepare yourself to tap into your unconscious. You will learn other tools to assist you was well.
Dates: TBA
Investment: $36.
To Register Call 352-419-5171 first so we can chat. Your seat will be held after payment is received and you will be given the location in Citrus Hills.
SEND MO (no personal checks), made out to Allen The Crystal Tarot, P.O. Box 507, Hernando, Fla. 34442, or call 352-419-5171 with credit card info. NO REFUNDS unless your place can be filled.
Light refreshments will be served.
Please note I reserve the right to decline your participation after our conversation if I feel this is not appropriate for you. You MUST be over 21. The credit card must be in your name.
Crystal Healing Workshops in Central Florida
Crystals have been known to have healing powers for centuries.
Now, you can use them to help yourself! I have helped people learn about crystals from my practice in Brooklyn, and now I will continue to offer this in Florida.
Workshops given by Ronnie Allen, Ph.D. Certified Crystal Therapist
A Three-hour Group Workshop
* Learn how to select, cleanse and program quartz crystals and healing stones…
* Learn the ways to access the healing properties of the stones…
* Learn how to use the stones to heighten your awareness…
* Learn how to use the stones to increase your mental and intuitive faculties…
* Learn how to use the stones to enhance your calm and peaceful state of being…
* Learn how the color of the stone affects the different parts of your body so that you can heal yourself…
* Color meditation…
* Chakra balancing…
Date Wed. May 25, 2011, 6-9 PM or Sat. June 11, 12-4 PM
Investment in your personal growth: May 25: $36. June 11: $48
A Four Hour Crystal Healing Workshop for Reiki Practitioners and Nurses
Learn all of the above plus: Reiki Grid, meditations to use in healing sessions, creative visualizations to use in healing sessions, crystal healing layout.
Date Sat. June 11, 2011, 12-4 PM
Investment in your personal growth $48.
To Register Call 352-419-5171 first so we can chat. Your seat will be held after payment is received and you will be given the location in Citrus Hills.
SEND MO (no personal checks), made out to Allen The Crystal Tarot, P.O. Box 507, Hernando, Fla. 34442, or call 352-419-5171 with credit card info. NO REFUNDS unless your place can be filled.
Light refreshments will be served.
Please note I reserve the right to decline your participation after our conversation if I feel this is not appropriate for you. You MUST be over 21. The credit card must be in your name.
Crystal Healing Workshop for Reiki Practitioners, Sat. June 12, 2010
“To Ronnie Allen,
We recently attended your seminar on Crystal Healing.
You have an extraordinary knowledge on the subject, the class material was very comprehensive and the sharing of the information was enlightening.
We want to thank you for this opportunity.We now have more tools in our path to help heal others.
Love and Light,
Connie and Rick
International Reiki Masters-Teachers”
Crystal Healing Workshop for Reiki Practitioners, Sat. June 12, 2010
“Since this was my first experience with crystals I didn’t know what to expect and I must admit I was a bit skeptical but very curious. But Ronnie shared her vast knowledge with detailed explanations. This was a wonderful introduction into crystals & their healing power and Ronnie’s sense of humor and loving nature makes this extra special.
Joan. Reiki I”
Crystal Healing Workshop for Reiki Practitioners, Sat. June 12, 2010
“On June 12th I attended my first crystal workshop. I am a Reiki practitioner familiar with chakras and energy.
I found Ronnie Allen to be very informative. Her knowledge about the crystals was most impressive. Being the person Ronnie used for her demonstration was an added plus for me, as I had been having a health problem for several weeks. Afterwards, my problem was greatly improved. It has now been several days and the problem has still not returned.
People are skeptical of claims like mine, but it really did happen. I will go back again for more healing and knowledge. To me it is most important to have the best quality of life possible and I believe that Reiki and any other form of holistic healing are key ingredients in achieving this end.
Lucy, Reiki I”
Crystal Healing Workshop for Reiki Practitioners, Sat. June 12, 2010
“The crystal workshop was informative and very useful in healing. Ronnie’s passion and knowledge was apparent in both her teaching and handouts. The use of crystals in healing goes deeper than I ever imagined. One day just touched the tippy edge of information Ronnie has to offer. I was amazed by how much she knows about the powers the different crystals possessed. It was worthwhile making me realize how little I know of this healing modality.”
Elena, Reiki II
Crystal Healing Workshop For Reiki Practitioners Sat. July 31.
I attended Ronnie Allen’s Crystal Healing workshop on 7/31/10. It was not only educational, it was totally relaxing.
Ronnie is a superb teacher, soft spoken and confident. I learned so much about crystals, their healing properties and how to use them for healing.
I recommend her workshops for anyone who wants to learn about alternative modalities for spiritual growth.
I will be attending other workshops given by her and have signed up myself and a friend for the Spiritual Cleansing Workshop in Central Florida.
Elyse, Reiki II
Dream Interpretation 2 Workshop Options
3 Hour Workshop
4 step approach in dream work
Principles for validating interpretations
Your body in dreams
7 stages of recovery from physical trauma
Investment in your personal growth: $36.
Dates: TBA
One Day Intensive Workshop
Take my practical, one-day, dream workshop and learn:
* How to create and maintain a dream journal
* How to wake up to the unconscious
* About the ego
* The unconscious in inner life
* Individuation
* The use of dream dictionaries vs. intuition
* Archetypes and the unconscious
* Goddesses and Mythology
* The 4-step approach in dream work (associations, dynamics, interpretations, rituals)
* Principles for validating interpretations
* Your body in dreams
* The 7 stages of recovery from physical trauma (forewarning dreams, diagnostic dreams, crisis dreams, post crisis dreams, healing dreams)
* The sequence of dream change during recovery
* Dream activities in healing
* Incubation and lucid dreams
For the one day intensive research information will be distributed.
For either workshop you need to bring a spiral notebook and…..
Bring as many recorded dreams as you can in your notebook.
Write descriptively about setting, plot, dynamics, colors, sounds, in the dream. This will be your foundation palette.
Why is a dream interpretation course invaluable for your personal inner growth?
It is very easy to contact a dream analyst on the Internet, write down your dream, pay x amount, and get their interpretations.
But that’s exactly what it is, their interpretation. It is their associations to your dream images.
Look, I do it as well, when people request it, but I prefer to work with my clients in a private session, interpreting their dream images with them and eliciting from them the true, personal and therefore valid meanings. Associations from a dream come from your unconscious to help you grow and learn changing the dream symbols to metaphors of your own life. That is very personal and only you can decipher the true meaning of your dream. That’s why I do not use a standard dream dictionary.
As an empowerment counselor, I teach people how to take control of their lives. Learning how to interpret your own dream is part of that.
So if you are ready, please join me in a journey towards self-discovery and healing and learn how to access the power within your unconscious!!!
DATE: TBA 12.-6 p.m.
Investment in your personal growth: $75. (To maintain a low cost, I’m requesting participants bring their own lunch and snacks. No alcoholic beverages)
To Register Call 352-419-5171 first so we can chat. Your seat will be held after payment is received and you will be given the location in Citrus Hills.
Minimum 4 people: I will keep your credit card info on file and not process it, until I have 4 people, but I will call you and let you know first.
SEND MO (no personal checks), made out to Allen The Crystal Tarot, P.O. Box 507, Hernando, Fla. 34442, or call 352-419-5171 with credit card info. NO REFUNDS unless your place can be filled.
Please note I reserve the right to decline your participation after our conversation if I feel this is not appropriate for you. You MUST be over 21. The credit card must be in your name.
Spiritual Cleansing Workshop in Central Florida
Clearing your environment & protecting your energy
Here’s a new workshop that teaches you:
How your aura is affected by negative energy and what you have to do to protect the levels of the aura.
Techniques for dissolving your environment and energy field of negative vibrations (personal and house clearing) .
About cleansing baths, formulas & ingredients.
Ways to protect yourself psychically when confronted with negative energy.
The healing and cleansing properties of certain stones and essential oils.
How to program candles and healing stones to realize your goals.
Meditations for manifestation and clearing negativity.
Do you sometimes walk into a room and feel the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife?
Do you feel that some people give off such negative vibes that they make you uncomfortable?
Do you ever feel that after someone visited your home they left behind their negativity?
If you are in a healing profession (Spiritual Healer, Alternative Health Practitioner, Medical Doctor, Psychotherapist) do you find yourself getting sick after you treat a client/patient?
If you work in the Mental Health Profession do have difficulty dealing with your clients’ transference?
Do you feel that someone or something has put a “jinx” on you and has foiled your relationships or career goals?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, THIS workshop can help you!
Date: TBA
Investment in your personal growth: $36.
To Register Call 352-419-5171 first so we can chat. Your seat will be held after payment is received and you will be given the location in Citrus Hills.
SEND MO (no personal checks), made out to Allen The Crystal Tarot, P.O. Box 507, Hernando, Fla. 34442, or call 352-419-5171 with credit card info. NO REFUNDS unless your place can be filled.
Light refreshments will be served.
Please note I reserve the right to decline your participation after our conversation if I feel this is not appropriate for you. You MUST be over 21. The credit card must be in your name.
I attended Ronnie Allen’s workshop for Spiritual Cleansing Saturday, Aug 28th. I found her gathering to be an informative and a very positive experience. Ronnie is extremely knowledgeable explaining the ways to cleanse and heal your body of negative energy. Her presentations are very precise and professional and because of this I would recommend any of her upcoming workshops.
Donna Scarpello
Founder/New Age Thinkers
On August 28th, 2010 I attended Ronnie Allen’s Spiritual Cleansing Workshop” and was very happy to see all the wonderful guidelines she has to use/follow.
She made it easy to follow and understand.. There were many handout in our notebooks; all of which can be used for years to come. I highly recommend this class, for anyone interested in this field of study.
Find out what 2011 has in store for you and what you need to do obtain your goals. Submit a simple form on the web page below which gives the information required. The year reading tells about 2011. The soul & personality reading tells what is your driving force and how to find out which direction you should be going in for best results. $19.95
You must be over 21 and the credit card must be in your name.
Or you may call me to give me the info I need at 352-419-5171
You will get excellent value from this reading. I am a Certified Tarot Master Instructor and have been doing readings since the mid 1990’s. You will receive support, expertise and insight to make the decisions you need for your growth and direction through an accurate, legitimate reading.
I view the Tarot as an agent of change to bring up repressed behavior patterns so that the client can make positive changes in the direction they are taking in their life.
It is a tool for self examination to promote self awareness to see where one needs to take control of their life and not be a victim of life’s circumstances.
I do each reading personally, with my Tarot deck of choice. I do not use a pre-arrranged program.
I use Tarot with clients to make them aware of past mistakes so that they are not repeated and the cards enable them to see themselves more objectively, or to validate what the client already feels in their gut.
The cards reduce stress by giving options to alternative paths.
I do not use the cards as an occult fortune telling device. I believe that destroys the original intent of the Tarot.
I will be honest with you and expect that in return. I ask questions from what I see in the cards and I expect to have dialog with you. I do not just lay out the cards and tell you what I see with you being quiet for the entire reading. If you are not willing to talk and answer questions, I am not the reader for you. I will not play the “fool or catch the psychic” game.
Another alternative: tarot readings on the phone
I am able to do a tarot reading for you on the phone. THESE ARE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. THIS IS NOT A PSYCHIC HOTLINE
When working this way, I first do a personality, soul and year card analysis first, then an intoductory spread. At that point you can ask as many questions you want in the time remaining.
30 Min. $60.
45 min. $80.
1 hour. $110.
NO REFUNDS, The cards tell you what you need to hear, NOT what you want to hear.
First, call me at 352-419-5171 (9 AM – 9 PM ET only) to talk and let me know you want a reading. We’ll get to know each other a little so you’ll feel comfortable. You may leave a message and I will call you back. I will not speak with anyone who blocks their number.
If you choose to have a reading, you’ll let me know when you’ll be sending out the M.O. Please make it out & send it to: Allen The Crystal Tarot, PO Box 507, Hernando, Florida, 34442. When I get the MO, (no personal checks please), I’ll call you and we’ll schedule a reading.
Or call me and give your credit card info. I’ll run the card through FIRST and you’ll call me back in 15 min. for your reading or at your scheduled appointment time
I’ll be at my phone waiting for you to call. If you need to reschedule that is no problem. Just call me at least 20 minutes advance and we’ll reschedule. If you do not call to reschedule, and miss the appointment, you’ll forfeit your money.
You must be over 21 years of age.
NO FREE readings.
I DO NOT have other readers work with/for me. You get my personal in-depth experience, expertise & insight.
352-419-5171 (9 AM – 9 PM ET only)
7 WEEK Tarot course beginning Wed. June 15th, through Wed. July 27th, 6-8 or 9 PM, $219., including deck and book set.